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Welcome to David Wright's home page

Yes, this IS over 20 years out of date.
It may get updated one day.
Until then, look for me on Facebook.

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Ian and Patricia's Wedding at Balgonie Castle in Fyfe - 23 July 2005

Here are the wedding photos that Jean and I took, for any members and friends of the families who might want to see them.

Joe and Musa's Wedding in The Gambia - August 2006

These are some photos of the wedding and guests that I copied off Joe's camera. As he was rather involved in the ceremony, most were taken by people he lent his camera to, so the quality is variable. Jo has some better ones of the Bride and Groom that were taken by another photographer, but only on paper; I expect he'll show them to you if you ask!

Peter and Anna's Wedding at St. John's Church, Hensingham in Cumbria - 9 September 2006

Coming soon! In the meantime, here's a picture of the church.


I work in the computer and telecoms industry, and have been "on the net" for over 30 years.

I have developed my own real time operating system, (in wide use a few years ago), a programming language, helped to design telephone exchanges, and for several years ran a large department. I used to run ITT's 'Microprocessor Technology Centre' in Harlow; later in the STC/ICL years we became the Networked Services department.

In Nortel Networks I was responsible for Directory Products (making large databases fast), and then became a senior consultant working on Network Management and Calling Card systems with customers such as Mercury and Energis.

In December 2001 I joined Energis, the UK alternative telecommunications supplier, as a Service Designer in ISP Services, working on the development of Dial IP and Broadband services. I then joined the Network Optimisation and Economics group, where I develop systems for reporting and modelling network use. This rôle continued when Energis was taken over by Cable & Wireless.

I was a news admin in the 80's, and since 1991 I have been a member of Group-Advice, a small group of experienced Usenet people who assist the news.announce.newgroups moderator, David Lawrence, and help people who want to create Usenet news groups.

Some years ago I was a district councillor on Harlow Council, and I am still involved in national, regional and local politics, as you can see if you follow some of the links below.

Other interests include Wine and (surprise!) computers.

I am also a licenced amateur radio operator (G3UUY), but I have not been active or 'on the air' for many years.


  • Past web projects include:

  • The images on these pages have been optimised by the excellent GIF Wizard
    Text edited using vi and PFE32. Other pages edited with Abobe Pagemill.

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